We launched Sweatlag, a workout designed to beat jet lag with Delta and Equinox aimed to promote Delta’s new aircraft that
launched in Los Angeles. The workout was designed to help muscles synchronize to a new time zone, reduce stiffness associated with travel,
and generally encourage the body to reset.
Our Launch video:
All you needed to get into a class was a recent boarding pass. And oh hey hey, it was featured on the local Los Angeles news station.
The classes were held in three different Equinox locations for six weeks, each studio was branded using the Sweatlag signage as well as the jet lag-fighting blue lighting found on Delta flights.
We targeted specific flights that had recently landed, by using digital billboards around LAX to direct them sign up for a class.
Those who attended the class even got some Sweatlag swag.
For anyone not able to join the classes, we created workout overview videos that leads to the full workout on Equinox’s website.
Here’s one example of our 4 workouts:
We timed our promoted social posts to be shown at odd hours of the morning and night.
PR! Lonely Planet , Mental Floss , Life Hacker, Condenast Traveler, Forbes, PSFK, and Travel + Leisure.
Check out our Case study here:
CW: Brad Phifer
CDs: Sean Mclaughlin and Jaclyn Crowly